Please Join Us for Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 AM
Our congregation is a multi-generational group with diverse faith backgrounds. Find out what makes Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship unique.
Church members during Rake Up saying a summary of our Covenant
Youth at Wild Church
Once a month during the summer we have our worship service for everyone at the Foothills Learning Center in Hulls Gulch. It is a peaceful place to worship and enjoy nature.
Ice Cream!
Our annual ice cream get together at the Yoder’s home. So good!
All are welcome to join us in our work and worship, promoting peace and justice for all people and for creation, regardless of age, race, ethnic background, economic status, faith history, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, immigration or marital status, or life situation.
We welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, responsibilities, and blessings of participating in our congregation as we seek to express God’s love, compassion, and justice within us, among us, and in the world, as well as demonstrate the oneness of the body of Christ with the diversity of its parts.
We gather to worship, learn, and build relationships. Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship seeks to be an open and welcoming Christian congregation in the Anabaptist tradition, open to diversity and affirming the dignity of each person as we are all created in the image of God.