Kathy Railsback on Zoom
01.12.25 Sermon & Reflection; Luke 3:1-22
Weldon Nisly and Julie Allyn
12.29.24 "What Did They See?" Luke 2:8-20
Bob Parrish
12.15.24 "God's Justice not Just US"; Isaiah 61:1-11; Luke 4:16-21
Weldon Nisly
12.08.24 "Return to God With All Your Heart"
Joel 2:12-13, Joel 3:1-2; Luke 11:13 The Inclusive Bible; Sermon - Weldon Nisly
12.01.24 Scripture and Reflection; Daniel 6:6-27; Luke 23:1-5
Julie Allyn and Weldon Nisly
11.17.19 "What Next" Mark 12: 28-34
Steve Tollefsen
11.10.24 "God's Love transcends and transforms the election" Romans 12:12:1-2; 9-21
Weldon Nisly
11.03.24 "For everything there is a season-including grief" Eccl 3:1-8; John 11:32-36
Rebecca Hauder and Weldon Nisly
10.27.24 Sermon in Song-Scripture-Story
Weldon Nisly & Roger Piper-Ruth
10.20.24 "Why God? Why?" Psalm 22:1-15
Phil Kelly
10.13.24 "For the Least of These" Matthew 25:31-45
Bob Parrish
10.06.24 "Living Witnesses" Luke 24:36-49
Weldon Nisly
09.29.24 "Hunger for Justice, Thirst for Righteousness" Matt. 5: 1-2, 6, 20, 46-48
Weldon Nisly
09.22.24 Led by Finance Team
Annette, Michael, Charlie
09.08.24 Audio-Reflections on Lev. 6:1-7; Zacchaeus Story; Reparation
Weldon Nisly, Jim Grunow, Pam Piper-Ruth
09.01.24 "Seeing with the eyes of your heart" Luke 7: 36-50
Weldon Nisly
8.11.24 "What God Has Made"
Weldon Nisly
08.04.24 "God of Many Names" John 1:1-5
Weldon Nisly
07.21.24 "Un-forgetting" Mark 6: 30-34 and 53-56
Julie Allyn