Pastor News - February 2024
Interim Pastor Weldon
Weldon Nisly will be joining us as part-time Interim Pastor starting February 16, 2024. We are grateful he has answered our call! His time with us will begin with part of the season of Lent and all of Holy Week. We look forward to working with Pastor Weldon.
Weldon has served in Mennonite pastoral and peace ministry for the past half century, including serving with Mennonite Central Committee in Philadelphia (5 years), as pastor of Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship (11 years) and Seattle Mennonite Church (19 years). Since retiring as lead pastor of Seattle Mennonite Church in late 2013, Weldon continues to be involved in various peace ministry roles, including with Community Peacemaker Teams in Iraq, Palestine, and the Turtle Island Solidarity Network in the U.S and Canada.
Our congreation is seeking a full-time pastor. We welcome suggestions. Applications should be made through Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference. Contact Eric Massanari, Executive Conference Minister at