Interim Pastor Weldon Nisly
02.11.2024 "Listen to Him" Mark 9:2-9
Jim Grunow
02.04.24 “Windows to Wonder” Exodus 2:21 – 3:6 and Isaiah 60:1-6
Dr. Rebecca Stoltzfus
01.28.24 "Who speaks on behalf of God" Deut. 18:15-20; Mark 1:21-28; I Cor. 8:1-3
Larry Hauder
01.14.24 Are you "evangelical"? John 1: 43-51
Phil Kelly
12.31.23 "Wrestling With the Text" Matthew 25:14-30
Steve Tollefson
12.24.23 Nativity Skit
12.10.23 "What are you waiting for" Isaiah 40:1-11 NIV; Mark 1:1-8 NIV
Bob Parrish
12.03.23 "Hope and Waiting" Mark 13: 24-37; includes poem & liturgical dance at approx. 28 min.
Guest Speaker Phil Kelly, First United Methodist Lay Leader
11.26.23 "The Big Surprise" Matthew 25:31-46
Jim Grunow
11.19.23 Feed and clothe and shelter and save the planet. Matthew 25:31-46
HPMF Finance Committee
11.12.23 Intergenerational Service
10.29.23 "I asked a tree" Ephesians 3:16-21 and John 15:9-17
Christie Dahlin’s Farewell Servic
10.22.23 "I couldn't look away" Exodus 3:1-15
Christie Dahlin
10.15.23 "Life Will Find a Way" Exodus 1-2
Christie Dahlin
10.08.23 "extra-ordinary" PNMC Conference Minister Eric Massanari
Ordination Service for Pastor Christie Dahlin; Scripture Luke 1:46-55
10.01.23 "It Takes All Of Us" Guest Speaker Sarah Augustine
Deut. 30:11-16; Luke 4:16-21
9.24.23 "Laughter, Longing and the Confounding Mystery of God"
Pastor Christie Dahlin
Gen. 18:1-15; 21:1-7
09.17.23 "Created for Relationships" Genesis 2:4b-25
Pastor Christie Dahlin
08.27.23 MCC Peacebuilding Reflection-Denae; "Live the Question"-Christie
Matthew 16:13-20