We’re happy to have you here for our live online service! If this is your first time with us, please make sure to use our CONTACT PAGE to let us know that you were here! We look forward to meeting you in person in the future.
We are using the Zoom website for our service.
You will need an internet connection.
Email hydeparkmf@gmail.com to get the Zoom link.
You will need the Zoom desktop application or the Zoom mobile app on your device to join the meeting.
You will be prompted to download the Zoom software once you have clicked on the link.
You do NOT have to create a Zoom account to join the meeting.
When you enter the meeting/service, you will be muted. Please do not unmute your microphone unless you are asked to do so by the host. We will share ‘joys and concerns’ together, that would be a time to unmute yourself so you can share.
We apologize ahead of time for any technical difficulties. We are constantly tweaking how we run our Zoom services and we do our best!